Monday, February 11, 2008

Bible Study Cancelled

I'm sure you all know. But, we are not having it tonight for obvious reasons. Stay safe and warm with your families!


Rhonda said...

Do we just take the week off, or do we go ahead and do the next week?

emilyofdomestica said...

We usually just wait and do this weeks next week. If I'm wrong someone let me know. But, I know that's what we did in the fall. This really helps me b/c Ellie had the flu all last week, then we were out of town for a couple of days. So, now I can get caught up:)! Have a great week!

Rhonda said...

Thanks Emily, I'm sorry to hear about Ellie having the flu. Doesn't sound fun. Hope she's feeling better.

emilyofdomestica said...

She is better now and making up for lost time!! Her and Abby are at each other constantly. Ellie has been home with her so long now with nothing to do. We are iced in today. There are two huge hills before our house and Mike slide down them this morning. That means that I'd DEFINATLY go in the ditch! I hope everyone else is safe in this!