Friday, February 1, 2008

remembering salvation....

Okay girls, I need some oppinions on this. Remember on the first day of the study this week, she had us write down our salvation experiences. Well, I was saved at a young age. But, all I can remember is telling my mom and her being really happy. But, in the methodist church you have to go through confirmation classes and be baptised at an older age-12 or 13-which I did. I know I am saved and that I was when I was going through all my "rebellious" things as a teenager. Because I knew who to run and fall at when things got out of control. I remember the comfort He gave me and reasurance that He had me. And the things He miraculously got me out of. I remember the friends I had that were not saved. And how I would ague my faith with them. Even though I wasn't living a right life......I was saved I believe. So, am I horrible to not know the date I was saved or what all went on? I only remember briefly talking with my mother. I am constantly hearing people say that you should remember the glorious day like it was yesterday. And I mean it REALLY eats me up! It has before made me doubt my salvation. But, if I wasn't saved, would I have the relationship I do with Christ, would He answer my prayers like He always does, would I have the peace I have...the joy? No. So, I guess what I am asking is how do I deal with not remembering? I would give anything to have this memory.


Rhonda said...

Hi Emily, I have sort of the same story in my life. I remember being in Vacation Bible School and feeling like "I really need to go up there and get saved". But thats all I can tell you. I don't even remember how old I was. I knew at the time that it was right for me because nothing could have made me go to the front of that church other than God. I remember almost feeling afraid of not going. I know it was right for me and I know that I was saved that day, but thats all the details I have for you. I also lived the rebellious life and had to ask for lots and lots of forgiveness. I never formally "rededicated" myself in church, but I do remember praying that God would forgive me and help me to start over. As soon as I prayed that prayer I felt like I had just been saved all over again.
Just hold on to the parts that you do remember. Maybe they arent as fancy and glorious as other peoples stories, but its your story and to God it was perfect.
Thanks for sharing. It was nice for me to hear that someone else has the same type of story that I do.

emilyofdomestica said...

Oh, thank you Rhonda! It really helps hearing that I'm not alone. You don't even know how much better I feel. This blog thing is great!

malinda said...

Emily, I have the same kind of testimony as you, I was maybe 6 years old, can't remember exactly, at church one night and a bunch of boys were teasing me and I was crying all the way home and my folks thought I was under conviction, so dad offered to pray with me, I do remember wanting to please him, I remember praying the prayer but I always wondered if it was to please dad or was I really saved? I went through the the teen years being kind of not so good, but always knowing better, always loved God and all but didn't live the life, or have the relationship with Christ like now, but later in life around 25 years old or something, I dedicated my life to Christ, anyway I always wondered if I was saved at a young age or later, but I have always known I was saved, just no date or fancy experience. I guess that is why the Bible says to come to Him as a child, just believe on His name, otherwise someitmes it becomes about our experience and not what He did on Calvary.

emilyofdomestica said...

Man, I am so happy to have you ladies! I really feel soooooo much better. You are so right Melinda. All it really comes down to is what He did on Calvary. THANK YOU!

malinda said...

Emily, I wanted to add one more thing, it used to really make me doubt my salvation too, so one night I just decided to just stop satans little game he played on me with the doubt thing and just dedicate my life, confess Jesus as Lord, and I had Lon baptize me! It put a stop to the doubts and now just which ever time it was, it doesn't matter, I just know it is real and is mine. I hope this helps, I am probably not the best person to listen to about this sort of thing, but I know what happened with me.

emilyofdomestica said...

Melinda, I have thought of doing that before. In fact I do remember rededication my life and confessing Jesus again....just in case:). But, I know that it was when I was younger. Because looking back I see that I had a realtionship w/Him. I knew He was protecting me, even whe I done wrong. I just want the nice memory. I remember my baptism like that. But, that wasn't my baptism, but that wasn't my salvation. Unless, when I was praying and making sure I was saved, it happened then....hmmm.

emilyofdomestica said...

I have to make a correction. I don't know how to edit comments. Anyhoo, I meant that it wasn't my salvation. When I was talking about my baptism.